I get asked a lot what the hell that means.
It's a good question.
Well, I do a lot of different projects for a lot of different people, often all at the same time. By which I mean working on a lot of different projects separately, not as though I have eight arms and a Wonder Woman outfit. Sometimes I work on people's CVs, artists' statements, even memoirs and biographies. Mostly I work on larger projects for organizations, usually in the public or voluntary sector, writing fundraising applications, policy or strategy documents, or business plans. I also write copy for websites, brochures and magazines.
Basically, if I think I can do it, I'll have a go. And all that pays the rent.
After the rent gets paid and I've got enough money for donuts, my real passion is for writing and researching the things that really interest me. That's a pretty wide remit most of the time, so as well as maintaining this sometime blog, I write for a news site called Women's Views on News (WVON) - it's fantastic and it does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of my travel writing can be found on my USA and South East Asia travel blogs, and soon in a new collection of travel writing about Malaysia.
In my downtime, I read like a demon possessed with knowledge thirst, I write short stories, some of which you'll find here and I'm working on my first novel.
I also just took up running, but that's a whole other story and I haven't got the breath left to tell you.