I have not been so interested in the work, today, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices. It was also the first day of birthday celebrations for the ever fabulous Lisa Clark, which meant that the office became an oasis of pink joy and song, and lunch time became the Festival of the Cheesy Chips. Even the Chief joined in, though his tastes are usually far more discerning.
Lisa Clark is always introducing me to wonderful things and today, she brought me NANOWRIMO!
'What's that, Sarah?' I hear you cry.
Well, it's National Novel Writing Month (obviously), which encourages people to write or begin a novel of 50 000 words during the month of the November. All you have to do is to join up, oh, and write, obviously. I've joined, and I hope that some of you will too. It's a fabulous initiative, and a great encouragement to people who might not usually consider themselves a "writer" - and what an elusive category that is - to put their pen to paper and create. So, go on. 'They' say there's a story inside every one of us. What's yours?
Tonight, to kick off Lisa's birthday week, Miss Sally organised a jaunt to the cinema and Lisa chose for us to see Marie Antoinette, directed by Sofia Coppola. I am so glad that she chose this film, though I have heard some really appalling reviews, but I really enjoyed it. As with all of her films, Marie Antoinette (based on the biography Marie Antoinette: The Journey, by Antonia Fraser - available at your local library) is a visual delight, and I'm a fan of Kirsten Dunst (in the main) anyway.
The film concentrates exclusively on Marie's story from her marriage until the fall of Versailles, and is a portrait not just of a famous historical figure, but of a time and a class that still has much resonance in contemporary affairs today. Most importantly, the film had Miss Sally, Lisa and I talking long after we had the left the cinema and tucked into our first glass of wine. I recommend you go and see it, and it has a fabulous soundtrack, too, which I think allows the film to be read as a metaphor for contemporary stories about the distribution of wealth, freedom and democracy on a global scale, today.
Today's Beautiful Things
1. Hallowe'en and the bond between witches
2. Laughter and song in the office - again
3. The vicarious happiness of other someone else's birthday
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