Well, who knew that hairlessness (I don't even want to use the other word) could be so controversial. Debate has been raging here at Cheverton Heights (a bit like Trump Towers but not so tall, or opulent) about the exact definition of, erm, well, bald. Some of my best people stepped up and joined the debate, but none of us could agree.
I ended up leaning over my balcony spotting those of limited follicle action and calling to them, "Excuse me, do you self-define as bald? Or receding?" I didn't get many honest responses but I did get a restraining order and an ASBO. The Hudson hair debate will doubtless rage on for many generations to come. My children's children will whisper to one another in their beds, as the adults argue downstairs, shouting loudly over how much - or how little - hair constitutes a receding hairline:
"Why couldn't GG Sarah keep her mouth shut?"
There's a simple answer to that. You know the tale about the scorpion and the fox? If not, here it is:
A scorpion was wandering along the bank of the river, wondering how to get to the other side. Suddenly he saw a fox. He asked the fox to take him across the river.
The fox said, "No. If I do that, you'll sting me and I'll drown."
The scorpion assured him, "If I did that, we'd both drown."
The fox thought about it and finally agreed. So the scorpion climbed up on his back and the fox began to swim. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung him.
As the poison filled his veins, the fox turned to the scorpion and said, "Why did you do that? Now you'll drown too."
"I couldn't help it," said the scorpion. "It's my nature."
To accidentally begin riotous debates is clearly in mine. Argument follows me like a faithful, if foolish puppy.
As at the moment does a cough and a sniffing nose that's driving me crazy. I thought when I finished work on Tuesday that it had just been a hard day, but when I woke up yesterday, I felt like a huge bunged up sinus with arms and legs. I spent the day at home, rather than down at the Naval Museum, and was not half as productive as I would have liked, but this is one of the perks of working from home, I get to balance my time in a different way. So, although I spent more time sleeping than I normally would during working hours, I can work later to make up for it.
This morning feels little better, although it's now mostly just my head that feels like a sore nerve. I hate being ill, I'm melodramatic and needy throughout the whole process. Today, all I want to do is climb back into the loving arms of my duvet (where I dreamt last night about meeting the loveliest man in an unfamiliar hotel lobby - he bought me a glass of wine and sent shivers through my soul when he said my name - the power of dreams indeed) and sleep until I can wake up and feel normal. I'm sure a day at the RN Museum will make the day pass more pleasantly, swiftly and productively however, so now is the time to battle on. I am Sarah, Princess Warrior of Urban Culture, after all.
So, inspirational quotes for the day:
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. Thomas Jefferson
Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this, that you are dreadfully like other people. James Russell Lowell
I love the second one, which really made me laugh. Sometimes we spend a lot of effort trying to be different, but this quote brings that ambition back down to earth with a shocking bump.
Today's Beautiful Things
1. You
2. The man in my dream
3. Chocolate digestives and big mugs of hot tea
What? No mention of The Chief? This cannot be.
Sod the chief, get well soon Sarah!
Chief bald = yes
Hudson bald = no
Is the chief married?
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