Let me make this perfectly clear, people, when I said that no work was done when Miss Lisa Clark was in the office on Magical Tuesdays, my intention was that it would be understood by all readers: that due to her astounding life skills prowess, Miss Lisa Clark manages to make the crazily voluminous workload that is the office's collective burden on an average Tuesday, look like a walk in the proverbial park.
I by no means intended to imply that Miss Lisa Clark, or, indeed any of her colleagues in the office EVER do ANY LESS work that they normally would. This would be a completely false inference, and I would like to apologise to Miss Lisa Clark and her City Council colleagues (myself included) for any offence or misapprehension that may have been caused by my casual and, frankly, ridiculous comments. Thank you for your time.
Well, today's blog is all about the power of little things. Yes, like an apology, that's right. Let it go.
It seems to me that all humans have the power of little things, should they choose to exercise it (and some don't).
What do you mean, Sarah?
Well, I mean that a smile to the checkout girl can revolutionise your interaction with her, a hello in the street to a stranger could make their day, the small gestures we make make all the difference. My friend Lisa Clark (I have told you how beautiful and talented she is, right?) sent me a poem this morning that, when I opened it this afternoon, turned my my day around and made me feel like I existed again. I printed it out in big pink letters and hung it on my wall, which is where it is now, cheering me up everytime I look at it.
A friend of mine seemed a bit down this morning so I bought her a pink rose. It took next to none of my time (though, friend of mine, should you be reading this, it cost a fortune - that rose is from the Tiffany's of the rose world and don't let anyone tell you different), made me feel good and the smile on her face was worth a million Tiffany's stores and then some.
Tonight's poem is all about the power of tiny things - in this case, a blade of grass.
A Blade of Grass - Brian Patten
You ask for a poem.Which would you prefer - the poem, or the blade of grass? Who thinks that it's the same thing? If you do, you were either wearing flares in the summer of '69 or you're a born-again hippy like me.
I offer you a blade of grass.
You say it is not good enough.
You ask for a poem.
I say this blade of grass will do.
It has dressed itself in frost,
It is more immediate
Than any image of my making.
You say it is not a poem,
It is a blade of grass and grass
Is not quite good enough.
I offer you a blade of grass.
You are indignant.
You say it is too easy to offer grass.
It is absurd.
Anyone can offer a blade of grass.
You ask for a poem.
And so I write you a tragedy about
How a blade of grass
Becomes more and more difficult to offer,
And about how as you grow older
A blade of grass
Becomes more difficult to accept.
Oh, and talking of the gorgeous, talented and incredibly forgiving Lisa Clark, while we're talking of the power of little things, get over to her blog and learn all about how the little things we do can change the world:

It's told from the perspective of the girl herself and it's a portrait of innocence and the beauty of the naive in the face of the horrific. It's also a testament to the power of the human imagination, and the place where the imagination has the most power: childhood. Highly recommended, though be prepared to be surprised, again and again.
This is not a film for everyone, so if you do see it, I would love to know your thoughts.
Tonight's Beautiful Things
1. Roast Pork Egg Foo Yung
2. Any film by Terry Gilliam
3. The most powerful words I know, courtesy of Miss C: I believe.
Look at the daily being all about me, the Chief will not be impressed!
Apology not necessary, although explaination was cuteness personified...although one can never really tire of being told how too-cool-for-school they are, especially when the person telling you is equally as beautiful and talented and means the entire world to you!
That makes it really okay in my book.
Big hugs...
L x
Lovely Sarah
Your friendship is worth a million Tiffany's stores and then some!
S x
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