I have some good things to share with you today. Firstly, as I write, an email has arrived from the Portsmouth Cultural Consortium saying that No 6 cinema, the grossly underused moviehouse in the Historic Dockyard are showing the film An Inconvenient Truth on Friday night, with a discussion after in the cafe beneath the cinema. An Inconvenient Truth is Al Gore's documentary on climate change and you can find out all about it here: http://www.aninconvenienttruth.co.uk/
See you there on Friday.
Another website that you absolutely have to check out is http://coldphoto.blogspot.com/ which is run by Laurel, a self-described "photographer- ecologist- journalist- healthcare researching- animal wrangler. She is currently spending one year living north of the Arctic Circle working on an epic photography project." Laurel's pictures of the Arctic are amazing, beautiful and, I believe, for sale - so feel free to contact her if anything takes your fancy. I'm sure she hears this a lot, but I would love to spend a year out there. I've been fascinated with extreme weather conditions -mostly from a sociological perspective, in terms of what effect that environment has on people, and their societies - for ages, ever since I read Jenny Diski's Skating to Antarctica.
Tiscali online are featuring Amy Winehouse singing live over on their site. You have five minutes to spare somewhere today and you should spend them here. This woman is exceptionally talented. Catch her singing 'Back to Black' (my favourite one, by far) and 'You Know I'm No Good.'
I'm still addicted to House and the Heights are very cold.
Three Beautiful Things
1. Being stalked by penguins
2. Meaning to read Dante's Divine Comedy
3. My enigmatic Commentors

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