"Unplug it. Unplug all of it. Now." spluttered Glenn down the phone, giggling like a maniac, "Don't worry - it won't catch on fire."
And it didn't. I unplugged the computo and everything electrical positioned vaguely near it, just in case. I did consider taking the batteries out of the remote control on the computer desk, too, but thought I could probably get away with moving it to the other side of the room.
I mention my troubles to TeaBarMan James, over a cafetiere of one of his latest brews.
"I'll come round after work and fix it for you," he smiles.
"I'm not sure it can be fixed, James," I lament, "It was making a terrible smell."
"It's probably the dilithium crystal pack or the telekenesis podcell," he murmured thoughtfully. Or words to that effect that make sense to computo people.
An hour later, James and Glenn are peering into my computo grey box. James starts to pull things out, including a large plastic thingy that resembles the digger of a JCB.
"I love taking things apart," announces James, with a contented grin.
I smile, happy that action is being taken on my defunct technology, even though I have no understanding of what that action may be.
"It's just putting them back together......" he adds, thumping at the back of the grey back box.
My smile disappears.
But, sure as dilithium crystals power a telekinesis podcell, he was true to his word and my pc is back online and I, Gentle Reader, am back with you once more.
As I coo over my pc like a mother reunited with her lost child, James hands me the plastic digger thing. I look at him, then at the digger, then at the pc.
"Forgot to put it back in," he explains cheerily, "It's ok. You don't really need it."
In other news, I've just finished reading Join Me by Danny Wallace (who is fast becoming a major league crush fest for me) and decided that I would do exactly what it said on the cover. When I've written this post, I'm going to take my passport sized photo down to the postbox and cement my fate as a new Joinee. Which I quite like.
Following some of the links on the Join Me website, I come across two other joinees engaged in a bet to get a gorgeous lady called Heather McNeil image in the top ten results of Google searches for her name, by September. Inspired by my newfound Joinee unity, I decide to help them. Halfway through preparing to upload her picture it occurs to me that it is also Friday and that this may qualify as my first official Act of Kindness for Good Friday. Bonus.
So here she is, in all her glory, Heather McNeil.
Meanwhile, if you want to check out the campaign to help Heather to GoogleFame, you can follow its progress from the blog, here.
Thanks to Rory over at SoylentRed for this clip, too. I think this may be an acquired taste, but I love it. I also love the thought of how much time and energy must have gone into conceptualising this, learning it and making the film.
Thought for the Day - Creative Crazies are Beautiful.
Oh it's so good to have you back. Well done and thanks to the computo knights in shining armour!!
Just watched the crazy hands. Brilliant!!!
Oh My God!!!
Do not help Rory!!! He's trying to back down!!! and not only can he not do that but he can not win either!!!!!
Hi btw I am Heather ala the picture and the bet!
Glad you joined!! Its a whole heap of fun!
Have you been to the forum yet? www.joineeforum.com
Everyone is ace (cept Rory) and it can be a lot of fun!
Take care have a lovely day and oooh I really like those shoes you are wearing! :D
Thanks for the help, Sarah! The bet's not going terribly well; I'm struggling not to break the "no insider knowledge" rule in finding out why the picture's not showing up for the search.
Anyway, welcome to Join Me. As Heather said, you should check out the forum if you haven't already.
Happy Wednesday.
I too lost my Heather in a car accident, she was my sole mate, and she was the one I loved. It’s been 2 years; I have lost multiple six-figure jobs, I have no idea where my life is headed.
God I loved Heather . . .
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