We've just got to the writing stage at the Naval Museum, preparing for the exhibition Chasing Freedom next year. Although everyone's under a lot of pressure to get their panels written, it feels as though the atmosphere has become one of real excitement, and although everyone's tired, we're all very enthusiastic, too.
It was also another fabulous week at the Council, where the work of the Culture Group is really taking shape. We've had a run of successes in each service (arts, museums and records, libraries, and tourism and events) over the last few months, what with the recent Screen:06 film festival organised by the Arts Service, Remembrance Sunday last week organised by Events, and the Conan Doyle exhibition at the city museum, to name just a few.
My favourite of the Cultural activities going on at the moment though, has to be the new People's Choice Exhibition, where for the first time, the residents of Portsmouth will get to choose objects and artefacts from the city's collections to go on display in a fabulous new exhibition next year. You can go to your local library and view the catalogues in person, or you can go to the museum services' website and choose online from the comfort of your own home at: http://www.portsmouthmuseums.co.uk/
The first person to guess what my first vote was wins a dinner date with me - no, that should not act as a disincentive to entering the competition. Answers on the comments board please.
And dig this - you can vote as many times as you like - perfect for obsessive geeks like me! And you have the opportunity to have your reason for choosing your favourite object posted on a label at the exhibition itself!
I've spent all day today working on the third contract I currently have running, and feel absolutely thought-out as a result. I also think I'm still getting over my lurgy, as my brain feels like water flowing uphill at the moment.
The blog of note on the frontpage of blogger at the moment had me laughing this evening, please go and check it out: Monkeys For Helping (great name!) at: http://monkeysforhelping.blogspot.com/
One of the links on their site is one that I spent ages on and I know that the gorgeous Lou at the office will like: http://www.ironicsans.com/MrT.html
I spent a lovely yesterday evening with Bean, my uncle. He brought over a film that had been given to him for his birthday called 'Oh What A Lovly War!'. It's about the First World War and it's a musical. I'll let you sit with that for a moment.
It is one of the most innovative films that I've seen in a long time and it has a lot of relevance today. If, like me, you haven't heard of it, then try to get hold of a copy. Apparently it's only recently been released on DVD, so the library doesn't have it, but I would recommend you buy it. I've been very lucky with films this week, so even though I haven't been able to take part in Screen:06 as much as I would have liked, I feel like I've celebrated it in spirit!
Today's poet du jour is Wendy Cope. I've been a big fan of her ability to be so funny, matter of fact and poignant for quite some time (and heaven only knows how she gets them all to rhyme) and this poem of hers is one of my favourites.
By Wendy Cope
Beautiful Things of the Day
1. Shonagh - as always - the anticipation of seeing her is only beaten by being in her company
2. The satisfaction of working a day, even if it is a weekend
3. My Mum for giving the best pep talks at a moment's notice