This may have to be one of the speediest posts ever. I'm due for dinner at a friend's house at 7.30 tonight and it's 7pm now, but in case I have too much wine and/or I'm home late, I thought I should post now.
I spent today working at my mum's house on a the results of a survey project that's been running since summer. It was a real challenge this morning not to start the Mr Mannering panic routine, but with a little help from a friend and a very patient parent, I made it through the wilderness, as t'were.
Kit Kat Kate is probably on a flight to Africa even as we speak and we exchanged a very teary goodbye over the phone this morning. She's been having a rough time over the last month or so and I have my fingers crossed that this break will be exactly what she needs, but am I ever going to miss her! I think part of the reason that I buried myself so deeply in my work today is so that I wouldn't have to think too much about it.
The thing with close friends is that each one always thinks they have the best deal and can never really fathom why the other person likes hanging out with them so much. Kate thanked me this morning for being there over the past month and apologised for being, in her words, such hard work in the last few weeks, but nothing, from my perspective could be further from the truth. The truth is that, looking at it from a strictly positive angle, I am always so glad when my friends confide in me and that it works both ways. Kate, for instance has always been there for me when I've needed her and for however long that I've needed her, regardless of the stuff going on in her own life. It all works itself out in the end.
Today's beautiful things
1. My mum: for being the best statistical research assistant, ever.
2. The craziest weather that ever there was - runners of the Great South run, this morning, you have my admiration!
3. A joint tie between the windhover that Bean and I saw in the car on the way home tonight, and Bean himself, for knowing that it is the windhover's tail that balances him out and lets him hang on the air.
1 comment:
saw two foxes on the way home and it was both late and we had too much wine
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